Digital Learning Project: Summary

This term I decided to start blogging with my Social 9 class for my digital learning project. I have had several posts throughout the term about my trials, tribulations, and successes with the project:

Time for Social Media! – First post, and my first ideas.

Third Time’s the Charm – Finalization of my decision to start blogging with my class.

Blogging about Blogs – Background work to starting blogging such as parent letters and organizing how I want the project to look.

Setting the Stage – Setting up student blogs and getting going on how to use Edublogs.

I’m sorry, you don’t have access to this webpage…. – Getting students online and troubleshooting issues.

Making International Connections! – Our first posts AND comments!

Inserting Pictures, Copyright and Copyleft, and some Free Write Time! – Learning about Copyright and the Creative Commons. Also, our first pictures in our posts.

I would also like to show off my classroom blog. My posts are pretty boring as they mostly constitute the assignments for the class but some of my students did a really good job and really embraced the process.

I have had an amazing time with this project and intend to continue its use. I feel that, at times, I was really pushing my students to work on the blog in an inorganic way so that I could talk about what we were doing in class for this project. I look forward to being a little less pushy moving forward, using it more as an option for how to submit assignments as opposed to a “YOU MUST DO THIS” as I had a few students who really did not enjoy the process.

I made blogging with this class a part of my Professional Goals I submitted to my division so that I am encouraged (and feel obligated) to continue the project throughout the year. I can’t wait to see where this takes me as I have wanted to start blogging with a class for a long time but could never actually get to the point where it was set up and ready to go.

Thanks for a great class and I look forward to creeping in and learning about Digital Citizenship and Media Literacies on EC&I 832 posts next term!