OpenStax: Mathematical Goldmine

When looking at the list of Open Education Resources (OERs) this week, I wanted to take a look at something that I do not have a lot of experience with and that I may actually use in the future, I am all about practicality in assignments where possible.

Bedarra Island
Banfield1 at English Wikipedia [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
I already have some experience with some of the OER repositories such as Khan Academy and TED Ed which I use in the classroom as supplemental support and visuals for my students. Khan Academy has great videos for mathematics where concepts are mapped out and taught in a method that I would use, but often with much better drawings. TED Ed also has great lessons for that “filler time” at the end of a lesson in their puzzles, my students LOVE them, but I find that although many these lessons come complete with Questions, Dig Deeper, and Discuss sections (see link for example), they are often what I refer to as “island lessons” where there is no way to make them all flow together to create a unit of sorts.

I first looked at American Institute of Mathematics. I found that they had quite a few open textbooks available but that most of the content was at a university or college level meaning they are not overly useful for a K-12 educator, outside of some of the Precalculus 30 outcomes. I did look through two of the textbooks, Precalculus and Precalculus – College Algebra – Trigonometry,  and found they were not bad but were very wordy, something that I often find students struggle with.

Next was MERLOT, I had never heard of this one and I was drawn to its name for some reason……… I did not like the look of this one, it was not very user-friendly in my opinion as there were a lot of things going on and it was not very easy to tell what type of resource each item was before clicking to open it. Probably the most critical downfall was that most of the math resources I clicked into were applets and interactive, needing Adobe Flash Player, and support for Flash Player is being phased out, my division is not updating our Flash versions any longer.


Then I hit the open jackpot (for math anyways). I took a tour through OpenStax and I loved the layout, it was very easy for me to find an area that contained their math resources. I skimmed through all of their Algebra textbooks, through their Precalculus and the first two Calculus textbooks and, I was impressed.

  • The textbooks were available in several formats: PDF (with high and low-resolution options), web-based, and print for a small fee.
  • Textbooks cover content from my Grade 7 to university Calculus, meaning that I could find outcomes from every curriculum hidden in one of the courses!
  • The PDF was hyperlinked so that you did not have to do the “long scroll of death” to find what you were looking for.
  • There was a good balance of visuals and text through the textbooks, enough visuals to keep you engaged and to understand concepts but nothing for the sake of an image.
  • Textbook examples and solutions are well-described, colour-coded to help with understanding, extensive and thorough.
  • Problem sets contained a comprehensive list of types of questions including word problems, real-life applications, technology applications, review of basics, and the list goes on. This is the part that I was most impressed with by far as often I find that textbooks do not contain enough varied practice for students.
  • Odd questions have answers provided to help students guide if they are completing the exercises correctly.
  • At the end of many sections, especially in higher level courses, there were links to Youtube videos which further described certain concepts that may be difficult to comprehend if just reading examples.

Overall, I was very impressed with the diversity of these textbooks and their quality and will 100% be sharing them with my math colleagues for additional exercises and supports for students. My only critique would be that I would like to be able to download portions of the PDFs at a time instead of the whole thing but, all in all, I don’t really think that is a true thing to complain about.

I took a peek at the Physics textbook which seemed good for the above reasons but I do not teach Physics so feel that I was not able to state whether it applies to our curriculum, it is for AP Physics so there may be some units that would apply. The Social Science and Humanities textbook offerings do not align with Saskatchewan curricula so I did not look too far into these.

I love the idea of OERs but unfortunately, our educational system has become very monetized, I am afraid to know how much is spent on textbooks each year in the North American K-12 system. Getting a textbook on the “approved” list for a curriculum is not always the easiest and some of the approved textbooks are less than desirable. What benefits do you see to moving towards OERs in Saskatchewan in our current economic situation? Do you think that they would be a “hard sell” to prove that they are just as valid as textbooks from the “big companies” or do you think that most people would accept them easily?

Rapping Math Concepts – WSHSmath Video Review

For this week’s blog, we were asked to either critique a unit of instruction done by someone else, or to use one of the content creation tools that we discussed to create our own content. I have decided to do both.

Like Andrew mentioned in his post Crash Course – 7 Thumbs Up!, I also like to use videos in my teaching for both learning a new concept as well as for review. I am a huge fan of the Crash Course videos as well as I use historyteachers as they present the information in a unique manner and give students another perspective or way of viewing things that help the importance of what we are discussing sink in.

As a math teacher, finding videos that are not super cheesy but that are mathematically sound is not an easy task. I also try to stay away from videos that fall into the “math is not cool” or “wow that person is a nerd” stereotype such as Mathmaticious. That is why I was pumped when I stumbled across WSHSMath‘s channel. They only have 7 videos but they are QUALITY. They are created by a group of teachers at Westerville South High School in Westerville, Ohio. The next video that I will be using in my classroom is the factoring video.

I love that they remake popular songs and sing/rap about mathematics concepts. This is Teach Me How to Dougie by Cali Sway District, but they also use Yeah! by Usher, Gettin’ Jiggy Wit’ It by Will Smith and Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen. They have their students in their videos as well. I find that this helps my students relate more as they can see people their age involved and engaged in the content (not to mention, some of them have some sweet dance skills).

These videos are catchy and educational, I will often hear students in the hallways humming the melodies after watching the video in class. (I am sure they are not thinking the “math lyrics” but a teacher can only hope!)

So, how hard would these be to recreate by the “average” teacher?

Photo Credit: ToGa Wanderings Flickr via Compfight cc

Personally, I do not have a singing voice nor am I very good with the remixing of the lyrics. To recreate an entire song would probably take me weeks or months of trying to make it work and sound good. I would say that these three gentlemen are masters of the parody of lyrics, but, that doesn’t mean it is out of reach for the average teacher, just maybe for me.

Their students are amazing. I am pretty sure that I could convince my students to join me in making a video such as this if I had the right “motivation” (which could be as simple as a candy at the end). If you are passionate about your project, I think that most teachers would be able to gain a dancing posse for videos such as these.

Screenshot from Urban Dictionary

So what about the graphics? This is where I am going to try to out a new tool! I am going to try to recreate some of the graphics in the video Teach Me How To Factor (above).

The Difference of Squares example

I did not rap, but I did go over the example in a (not very catchy) way. The graphics were not very difficult. I used SMART Notebook and SMART Recorder to take the video.

Overall, I think that this would be an achievable goal for many teachers. And, knowing how my students react to these videos, I think that it holds a lot of value for students. It is not a lesson in itself as many of the videos glaze over some of the key things that are needed for understanding but as a review, I feel that they have done an amazing job of their videos!  What do you think?

When I started to recreate the graphics, I really tried to used Screencastify but it repeatedly froze my computer for some reason. I will try again in the future but for now, I will settle for using SMART products instead of more “open” options. I am also very intrigued by Audacity for my Social Studies classes I did record myself reading out of a mathematics book that I own A Curious History of Mathematics by Joel Levy and will probably be playing around with that in the near future.

UPDATE: I have figured out Screencastify and have made a how-to video of me uploading files to Canvas in the modules. More work to come on organizing the course!